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Kink ? Kinks !

Welcome to the new website for kinksters, and people who want to know more about kinks in general. You will find here information on popular kinks and may discover some less popular ones.

We want to provide clear information on kinks and fetish. Our goal is also to demistify kinks and make people having fun together.

You will also soon find a community forum, where you may talk about your kinks, corrections to do on the website and finally meet some fellow kinksters. Have fun !

kink matos
kinks pride2021
kinks prideradicale
kinks superpup

Welcome Home

What are Kinks ?

Kinks are, in fact, sexual fetichism. A special attraction (romantic or sexual) for practices, objects and/or clothing. Did you know that actually, most people do have at least one kink ? Let's find out yours, and demistify kinks, by checking out the "Discover" page.
→ Discover

Is it known ?

As for all LGBTQ+ Prides, you will find kinksters. And you may see that, like LGBTQ+ communities, kinkters do have their own. Check-out the recap we did on the "Pride Flags" page, where we try to show every pride flag that may exists.
→ Pride Flags

I wanna know more !

You're on the right website ! We made a list of the most recognized kinks. If the kink you are looking for is listed, simply click on the "Show More" button to get more information (how to clean rubber for exemple). If it isn't listed, ask the forum !
→ Kinks List